Friday, November 1, 2013

My Obsessions with Holiday Ales

As I age and develop an increasing taste in good beer, I always keep my heart open to one special kind of beer. Outside of a passing interest with Pumpkin Ales (Or Stouts), I have grown increasingly fond of special releases of a beer known as the holiday ale.  With craft beers taking hold on a national level, I am proud to bring the Postgrad in Suburbia "Favorite Holiday Ales: 2013 Edition."

A long running favorite throughout my college career, my current favorite is that of the Great Lakes Christmas Ale.  Great Lakes, a Cleveland brewing company that still remains independent to my knowledge, has been manufacturing this beer for many years; and as I currently camp out at Binny's, I anxiously await this year's release party.  With a cinnamon flavor and additional holiday-esque notes, this beer has been ingrained in my existence since my introduction to it on a cold, wet, Toledo night.  I personally recommend it in the way I was introduced; served with a topping of cinnamon sugar.  With a 7.5% alcohol content, you will definitely be feeling festive after a couple rounds.  Try to avoid the Christmas Bomb, featuring Christmas Ale with a shot of Jameson dropped in car bomb style.

In my anxious wait for the aforementioned, I have tried a few new Holiday style beers that have held me over.  The first release to my knowledge, Revolution Fistmas, is a hoppy and bitter spiced ale that arrives complex and heavy.  Although I did enjoy a couple of these, this is definitely not my go to beer when I want to feel festive, as I was left heavy to the ground and not on my best game when leaving for the night.  Being the first beer of the season, I will try this again for clarification purposes.  Plus, the can is well designed for entertainment.

A beer that surprised me, was a beer that I bought because I didn't want to leave Binny's empty handed.  A special release by Goose Island, Sixth Day is a limited release brown ale with holiday notes; offering a high alcohol percentage best enjoyed while rocking a still out of season sweater.  Enjoyable and humanitarian, some proceeds from purchase are donated to the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

What is your favorite Holiday Ale?  Where can I find other Postgrads donning their festive sweaters while enjoying a festive ale?  I'm already breaking out my snowflake sweater, and waiting to bring about the reindeer one until a later date.