Friday, January 11, 2013

Postgrad In Suburbia

What does it mean to be postgrad in Suburban Chicago?  Well, it could mean a lot of things.  You could have been here the entire time or just returned from a college halfway across the US. You could have your own house or apartment, or be stranded in your parents basement while you wait for that big-boy or big-girl job to get you out.  Hell, you could be new here because you wanted to live for a lower cost than the city, and have no clue what happens here.

Needless to say, you're stranded in one of the most seemingly boring places in the Midwest, if not the United States.

So now what? Do you sit home and think up interesting money-making schemes like blogging on Friday nights? Do you go out to the same bar you've been frequenting since your 21st birthday? Or do you actually go out and try to do something out of the ordinary?

There are apparently many benefits of living in the suburbs, or else our ancestors never would have moved here in the first place.  This blog will cover some of the random happenings in suburban Chicago: Including bars, restaurants, pool halls, concert venues, and coffee shops.

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