Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Geneva Ale House

One of my personal favorites; a bar that I have been frequenting since I heard of a few winters ago, Geneva Ale House, has been a welcome escape from the ordinary for a few years. Needing an escape from the kids at Swedish Days (nothing worse than feeling old at 22), I decided to head here for a beer and an update.

All superstitions aside, as the Bruins have scored twice since arrival (may have to leave to protect the hawks precarious lead), this has to be one of the best ale houses in the suburbs. Not only do they have a comfortable atmosphere, but one of the benefits of this location is the knowledge that the staff provides. My current server has visited every local brewery, tasted all the beers; and was able to talk about all of the beers with an actual knowledge I hope for but rarely expect out of an ale house in the area.

Currently I am sitting and drinking a Great Lakes Ohio City Oatmeal Stout, a new favorite from a top brewery. From this, my server was able to talk about related beers and then transition to seasonal beers from Lagunitas and Revolution.

In addition, their food selection really ties into their alcohol menu, offering a high class bar food menu. Their mini tacos and fried pickles offer good savory options if you're looking for a few appetizer choices.

All in all, every time I come here, I expect great things and am never disappointed. If you're looking to enjoy a nice night, enjoying a bit classier beers and food, Geneva Ale House is the place to go.

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