Sunday, October 27, 2013

Adult Kickball?

A growing trend throughout cities and other locales, adult kickball, is a perfect example of an activity that would be perfect for a Postgrad in the Chicagoland area.  A cheaper and easier start-up than other sports; this could become the future of suburban casual gaming.

I say this, because after an experience of joining a softball league full of teams more cohesive than that of an MLB team; I believe that playing kickball in the suburbs would allow people to start with a clean slate.  How many of you have played kickball in the past 5 years? 10 years? Who wouldn't want to join other Postgrads in Suburbia for a bit of friendly competition that ends at a local restaurant or bar?

With at least 5 leagues in Chicago at the moment, all of which sponsored by local bars and played at neighborhood parks; a new kickball league in the suburbs would make a perfect opportunity to meet new people, discover new bars, and even network with other industry professionals.

Look at it this way.  A kickball costs less than $20. A field is free (Or we could organize through a city).  Can you think of options here that would provide interesting experiences on a Saturday afternoon any cheaper than this?

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