Sunday, October 27, 2013

Movember in Suburbia

The change of the seasons is upon us, and as October becomes November; many men are left with a couple choices: (1) continue their usual routine of shaving; (2) participate in what many know to be "no shave November," in which facial hair galore pops up and razors go by the wayside; or (3) Grow their facial hair for a purpose, raising funds and awareness by growing a facial hairstyle employed by only the classiest gentlemen.

Yes, Postgrads, I am talking about Movember; a movement aimed at raising money for research of silent killers in men; including Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer, and issues in Mental Health.  As a true gentleman and community leader, I have once again entered the "Mo Space," aiming to raise a few dollars to help reduce the effect of cancer and assist in funding research.

Throughout the month of November, I will be growing my moustache and posting updates on my Movember profile page, the Postgrad in Suburbia Facebook page, and my personal Twitter Account.  Donations are always accepted, and you can join the movement by signing up at

If the entire "doing the right thing" aspect, or the "helping others" thing doesn't fit your fancy; learn a few things from Moustache enthusiast Nick Offerman.

Remember, if you are ready to team up with me to change the face of men's health, go to and help out a fellow Postgrad.

The real question... Are you Man (or Woman) enough to support the cause?

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