Friday, October 18, 2013

Did I Just Get Called Mister?

I never thought that I'd feel older than I do at this moment. 

This is actually saying a lot; as I am currently underemployed and work with 16 year old's, realize that the N64 will be 18 old next year, and understand that I'm considerably older then MLB All-Star Bryce Harper.

But at this moment, I feel very similar to PGP (Post Grad Problems)'s Veronica; who recently wrote an article called "The Worst thing You Can Call a Girl: It’s Not The C-word, It’s 'Ma’am'."  In this article, she covered the inner dialogue that occurred after being called Ma'am at a local coffee chain.

Insert the same coffee chain, but a different situation.  I was sitting here, writing a Postgrad in Suburbia original review of Green Basil Restaurant in Downtown Naperville, when I looked up from my work to see am individual pointing at the chair across from me.  Removing my headphones, I received the most depressing question I've heard outside of "What are you doing with your life?" asked every day. 

"Excuse me, Mister... Is anyone using that chair?"
Mister? What am I, a 55 year old who sits at Starbucks in the same chair, running a questionably scammy financial planning venture?  Why would I be a mister? What could possibly define me as a 'mister' besides the fact that I was regarded as old?  Who would have such disrespect to call a 23 year old 'mister'?!?!

This question has been running through my mind since the occurrence, and I feel that I probably can't think about this without a depressing answer.  Maybe I am old.  Maybe these lower back problems aren't just in my head.  What have I done with my life? Does this mean I can give life lessons and tell tales of my youth?

Stay tuned Postgrads, we may have to switch to Geriatric in Suburbia... In which I review breakfast in family diners, elderly dating sites, and complain about how no one respects their elders anymore.

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