Friday, October 18, 2013

Green Basil Naperville

I finally got a chance to try a nice little restaurant that had been recommended by my friend; and finally got a chance to test out a new variety of food that has not made a huge name for itself in suburbia, Vietnamese cuisine.
A bit hard to find, located near Quigley's and the parking garage off of Jefferson; Green Basil is tucked directly east of downtown Naperville.
My experience at Green Basil in Naperville has been split between two visits: My first being that of a coffee run, in which I got to try an iced coffee sweetened with condensed milk; and I must say, it was amazing for coffee that I didn't personally adjust to my tastes. My second trip is a result of the prodding by my friend to finally try the food.
On that note, I arrived at a 4 pm, so as to not be that guy who sits alone at a table during dinner rush. Naturally, my eyes moved to the lower priced items before coming across the Cornish hen (com ga). For $9, I thought it would be a small portion of hen with a bit of rice. I was quickly surprised to receive a gratuitous amount of rice, vegetables, and soup included. The hen itself was a marinated half hen that was then fried with just enough oil to maintain crisp texture. Served with lettuce, tomatoes, cilantro, peppers, and a dressing that I wasn't entirely sure what purpose it served; it became quite the filling dish.
Needless to say, I recommend this place for a decent meal, but implore you to bring some form of breath mints. The unfortunate result of the fresh produce is the current fact that definitely carry a strong breath of cilantro, basil, and what I believe to be garlic.
Suburbia has its grand variety of food. I am happy to try any restaurant in the area that will support a postgrad budget. If you would like to see your restaurant featured on postgrad in suburbia, email me at

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